Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Kapituli þrjá: Boris þattr ok hlynur konungs [Chapter Three: The Tale of Boris and the King´s maple tree] Continued

This is the second part of this þáttr about Boris kol-skeggr Þorvaldarson and the King's Maple Tree.  The first part is here. There is one verse interpolated into this half of the story.  In it there are two kenningar used:

hjálm-Gríður : helmet-Gríður [troll-woman] :  axe
fleinþollarr :  spear firs : warriors

The story takes up after Boris has drunkenly yelled a challenge at the King's house in the night.


Vörður Konungurinn hafði horfði á Boris Thorvalds sonur rífa tréð úr jörðu.

Þeir mælti sín á milli.

Einn sagði: "Eigum við að segja konungur?"

Hin sagði: "Nei Við munum bíða til morguns að segja konungi. 
Því að konungurinn yrði reiður okkur að við tók hann ekki. "

Boris ok ölvaður sjómanna yfirfærð á leið sinni ok aftur til skips.


Þegar konungur sá tré morðingi frá jörðu, kallaði hann varðveitir hann til að spyrja þá hvernig þetta hafði gerst.

"Konung okkar í nótt, mikill bera-manna kom ok kippti trénu frá jörðu!"sagði vörður

Konungur gerði ekki trúa þeim. Hann sendi vörður til að koma sjómaður honum.

Vörður hans fór ok fann Þorvalds son.

Hann hlustaði á stefnu konungs ok safnaði áhöfn hans.

Þeir komu allir spjótum sínum með þeim, en Boris fór slyppr á fund konungs.

Boris laut fyrir konung sem spurði hann hvort hann hefði undið tré frá grunni.

Boris sagði að hann hefði.

Konungur lýst vantrú sinni ok Boris leit á hann ok hló.

Hann vafði örmum sínum um tré ok lyfti það frá jarðar fyrir konungi.

Hann bar það aftur til hola í jörðinni þar sem hún hafði staðið, ok síðan Boris setti tréð aftur þar sem það átti.

Hann ok áhöfn hans græða þá rætur þar til tréð stóð hár ok beinn.

Konungur horfði þetta í skemmtunar.

Þegar Kolur-skeggr laut undan honum aftur ok baðst af sökunar fyrir trufla frið ok tré hans, konungur hló upphátt.

Konungurinn sagði:

Sonur Þorvalds sköruligr
stófni tré né heldur
hagr ert þu á hjálm-Griður
hríð fleinþollarr gegn þer?

Ok Kolur-skeggr sagði

Fjall-skógs myrki fylkir
frá mér lundr þinn örugg
en hjálm-Griður mín heilla
hjakk fleinþollar blakka

Hann fyrirgaf Boris ok sagði: "Þessi maður verður ein hvern tíma rífa fjand-mönnum mínum frá jörðu, jafn vel eins ok hann hefur gert með þessu tré."

Boris ok áhöfn hans voru sett frjáls.

Boris varð einn af stríðsmaður konungs ok síðar berjast margar orrusturvið konung.

Tréð stendur enn til þessa dags ok kallast "trjá kol-skeggs".


The King's guard had watched Boris Thorvalds son rip the tree from the ground

They spoke among themselves.

One said, “Shall we tell the King?”

The capain said, “No! We shall wait until norning to tell the King. For the King would be very angry that we caught him not.”

Boris and the drunken sailors proceeded on their way and returned to their ship.


When the King saw the tree ripped from the ground, he called his guards to ask them how this had happened.

"Our King, in the night, a great bear-man came and pulled the tree from the ground!" said the guard

The King did not believe them. He sent the guard to bring the sailor to him. The guard went and found Thorvalds son.

He listened to the King's summons and gathered his crew. They all brought their spears with them, but Boris went unarmed to meet the King.

Boris bowed before the King who asked him if he had pulled the tree from the ground.

Boris said that he had.

The King expressed his disbelief, and Boris looked at him and laughed.

He wrapped his arms around the tree and lifted it from the ground before the King. He carried it back to the pit in the ground where it had stood, and then Boris placed the tree back where it belonged. He and his crew then planted the roots until the tree stood tall and straight.

The King watched this in amusement.

When kol-skeggr bowed before him again and apologized for disturbing his peace and his tree, the King laughed aloud.

The King said:

Stalwart son of Thorvaldr
stems of trees don´t stop you -
handy are you with battle-witch
while spear-firs attack you?

And Kol-skegg said:

dark mountain forest king
your grove is safe from me
but my battle-witch lucky
hacks spear-firs blakka

The King forgave Boris, saying "This man will some day tear my foes from the earth even as he has done with this tree."

Boris and his crew were set free.

Boris became one of the King's warriors and later fought many battles for the King.

The tree still stands to this day and is called “Kol-skeggs Tree”.


As always, I stand ready to correct my multiple errors. I hope you enjoyed this tale from the Haakonar saga eiki.  Please leave comments below!

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